Law Enforcement Command

About the Law Enforcement Command

Law Enforcement Command The Law Enforcement Command comprises key operational areas across the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, including the five geographic patrol districts, the Patrol Support Services Bureau, the Criminal Investigations Bureau, the Special Enforcement Bureau, the Administrative Services Bureau, and the Professional Development and Standards Bureau.

The primary purpose of the Law Enforcement Command is to uphold the agency’s mission of enhancing the safety and earning the trust of Harris County residents by keeping the peace with integrity and professionalism.

The Command is responsible for patrolling neighborhoods, providing tactical support to frontline deputies, proactively preventing and thoroughly investigating crimes, and preparing for and responding to disasters. Our non-emergency and 911 call takers determine a caller’s needs and route the call to the appropriate dispatcher. Emergency 911 operators are usually the first point of contact when a Harris County resident needs emergency assistance and field calls from the new 42,000-square-foot facility designed to withstand a category 4 hurricane with winds up to 155 mph.